Johnson Reed’s franchise finance division is dedicated to helping both established and emerging franchise businesses.
Our experience in this sector is second to none and has enabled us to help many different sectors including but not exclusively in the fast food, retail and catering sector. Clients we have helped start in business include:
- Costa Coffees
- Cash Generators
- Bargin-Booze
- Tax Assist Accountants
- Cartridge World
- Drain Doctor
We know arranging finance can be a tiresome, yet essential task, so we aim to make the process as fast and easy for you as possible.
Equipment leasing is a vital tool for any businesses, never has this been so apparent for franchises looking for help to expand or get up and running. Cash can be used for other income generating things or simple provide a buffer of reserves. In many cases our clients have one eye on their next project!
Why does your Chippy need Finance?
For chip shops, having secure finances and looking after the bottom line is your priority, more so now than ever. This means making sure that your cash flow is strong and your money goes further, to ensure you can carry on trading and making a profit, whilst keeping...
Case studies
Tender Cow expands Mackie Mayor offering with new equipment finance
Increasingly-popular Altrincham-based Tender Cow expanded their offering at Manchester city centre-based food market Mackie Mayor with new equipment and fit out finance with Johnson Reed. In order to meet the ever increasing demand, director Matthew Walsh looked to...