Do you find that hardware is a vital but costly part of your IT business? Investing in new and replacement equipment can be a challenge for IT companies, so let us help take the growth pains out of your business with our dedicated IT leasing package. Don’t just get what your business can afford, get what your business truly needs to succeed!
At Johnson Reed, we’ve been working with IT businesses for over 15 years and are uniquely placed in the UK’s IT sector to provide expert advice and comprehensive finance support for any size of business. Our expertise doesn’t just stop at hardware financing, we also specialise in software finance too.
By using leasing for your new hardware, you are spreading the cost over a fixed term with a totally transparent and upfront payment schedule. There are no hidden costs involved, and once the finance term is complete the equipment is yours – simple as that!
One of the great advantages of taking on leasing is the ability to modify and upgrade your equipment as time goes on. In the IT industry, as you well know, hardware and software get upgraded all the time, so often having a 2 or 3-year contract doesn’t seem so attractive when it’s the same piece of kit you’re paying for. That’s why we offer the ability to upgrade your IT equipment, even if you’re in the middle of a contract, we simply modify the contract to take that into account, and you get the new kit!
We have worked to source IT equipment leasing to large multi-nationals, small-medium businesses (SMEs), and one-man bands. From just £1,000 upwards, you can lease 100% of your IT requirements in a way that is incredibly tax efficient. Don’t forget you can also include key elements of any acquisition and incorporate any intangibles you may require, such as maintenance, training, installation and consultancy.
Is lease financing the right option for you?
In the absolute least bias way possible, I think lease financing as an option for all businesses is great! But I realise that not everyone understands WHY I feel this way and this could be down to the fact that people are still fairly unsure as to what exactly lease...
Case studies
The numbers add up with this IT finance deal
GGI Office Furniture are one of the most respected and well-known brands of office furniture in the UK. There’s a chance you’re sitting on one of their chairs right now!
Ever keen to continue providing the best service to their customers, GGI contacted Johnson Reed about helping to secure the finance for a new software accounting package and new IT hardware (including brand new desktops and servers). We were able to secure £60,000 worth of equipment finance for GGI to overhaul their ageing IT systems, based on a fixed repayment deal.
We were able to finance the total solution for our client, which was agreed within 38 hours of receiving the company information. We utilised our Tier 1 funder to secure marketing-leading range of IT hardware and software, an option which will benefit GGI greatly as it means that the finance will be tax-deductible and at a fixed rate throughout the term.