Some new research just announced has shown that many SME companies are either unaware of the avenues available for IT finance leasing, or simply haven’t considered it. At a time when budgets are severely stretched, the researchers have suggested that a lot more should be done in the industry to persuade smaller companies to appreciate the undeniable benefits of sourcing finance for their IT needs.

Findings were based on a study by research firm Quocirca and BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions. As many as 76% of respondents said that they would use finance for their company vehicles, yet only 30% had sought finance for IT equipment. Of these, a mere 1% had actually used finance for software.

Less than 40% claimed that financing was unnecessary for IT, stating that if the cash were available, they would use that route rather than lease finance. This is despite the fact that 64% of the companies surveyed said that they expect their IT budgets to decrease throughout 2013. The researches concluded that, because of the expected drop in budgets, there will be a ‘golden opportunity’ this year for IT financers to show how beneficial it could be to lease technology equipment.

At Johnson Reed we could demonstrate this by a whole raft of case studies of companies for whom our leasing service has provided an invaluable lifeline during this prolonged dip in trading fortunes.