If you’re in the haulage and transport business, you don’t need us to tell you that times are tough right now. With the cost of diesel ever rising, you have to look after every penny to stay afloat. We helped one of our clients recently who wanted to acquire a new trailer and fork-lift truck so he could avoid subcontracting by keeping more of his business in-house.
This is a typical example of an instance where the Johnson Reed service can prove invaluable to companies that need to invest in new plant and machinery, but they also need to be a bit canny with their resources because of the poor trading climate. By raising finance through us – in this case £8,900 over a three-year period – it’s possible to make significant tax savings because, as you are essentially renting from us, your new equipment is fully tax deductible.
And in this case, the client didn’t have to wait for weeks or months for a high street lender to make up its mind. We were able to offer a simple deal, backed up by very straightforward paperwork, which meant that the new equipment could be brought into service straight away.
In the haulage business, capital expenditure on up-to-date vehicles is essential to stay ahead of the competition, and at Johnson Reed we will do everything in our powers to make sure we keep you on the road – and stay competitive.